Hands and Eyes Requests can be carried out at any of the Redcentric DC locations. If you require remote hands support, please raise a Support Ticket (or if urgent, please call 03451207070). When logging with Redcentric, please ensure you provide the following detail:
- What is the business impact?
- Which DC does this request relate to?
- Which CAB is the kit located in?
- Name / Label on the kit in question?
- When does the work need doing?
- Brief description of what is required?
Some examples of the remit of Hands and Eyes is described below:
- Restarts and power re-cycling of customer-managed equipment
- Visually inspect any equipment or cabling and report on its state to the customer, such as messages on console or audible alerts
- Interface card, hard drive and disc swaps (hot swaps) which are available only if the hardware has been supplied by the customer and accessibility to perform the action is from the outside of the casing; a hot swap is defined as a swap that can be performed without having to open the casement
- Swap, connect and/or re-connecting of existing data cables
- Hard re-boot
- Replace/remove a cable/hard drive/dongle/power supply
- Swap a port or network component
- Check for power