If a user has already used Webex in the past, such as they have joined a Webex meeting but doesn’t have a business account then they will automatically be signed up for a ‘free’ Webex account. This means if you try to provision the same user (based on email address) and they already have an account, then the end-user will need to delete this before you can provision them.

First please check your email for:
Subject title “REDCENTRIC SOLUTIONS LTD – W4B has sent you an offer”
If so please following the instructions within the email to delete your account.

Otherwise, the end-user needs to go to the following link below to delete the account:

  • https://settings.webex.com
  • Login (If they can’t remember their login details they will need to reset their password)
  • Select the ellipsis ‘…’ at the top right and choose ‘Delete Account’
  • OK this deletion

The official link can be found here:Link

After deletion you can try and re provision the account in Broadworks by removing the collaboration service pack, then save, now reapply and save. There will be a few minutes delay whitest this is provisioned in Webex.