We recomend that any audio files are uploaded to the Group Announcement Respository for easy management.
If you would like use our `Text to Speach` engine click here.
All files must be converted to Standard Definition 16-bit WAV (8Khz, Mono, 16-Bit PCM) before uploading to Broadworks. Link to file converter here.
Note: Text to speach files dont need converting.
Uploading a New Announcemnet.
1. ) On the Group’s profile menu page Click Announcement Repository
2.) Click on Add
3.) Give your new announcement a name and choose the file.
4.) Once uploaded you can then assign to the service.
Replace Audio Announcement.
1. ) On the Group’s profile menu page Click Announcement Repository
2.) Click Search.
3.) Click on Edit next to the annoouncement you want to replace.
Note: You might want to click download and save the original recording as this can not be recoved onced replaced.
4.) Click Choose File and select your new announcement.5.) Once uploaded the file will replaced.
6.) Within this screen you can also see which services is using this announcement, under Service Name.